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What's new in OpenTofu 1.10?

This page will run you through the most important changes in OpenTofu 1.10:

New features

New built-in functions

New builtin provider functions added (#2306) :

  • provider::terraform::decode_tfvars - Decode a TFVars file content into an object.
  • provider::terraform::encode_tfvars - Encode an object into a string with the same format as a TFVars file.
  • provider::terraform::encode_expr - Encode an arbitrary expression into a string with valid OpenTofu syntax.

Moved for different resource types

  • moved block can now be used to migrate between different types of resources (docs).
  • Builtin provider now supports migration from null_resource to terraform_data resource.

Improvements to existing features

External programs as encryption key providers (experimental)

State encryption now supports using external programs as key providers. Additionally, the PBKDF2 key provider now supports chaining via the chain parameter. For details, see the related documentation

This functionality is experimental and may be changed in future OpenTofu versions.

Smaller improvements

  • OpenTofu will now recommend using -exclude instead of -target, when possible, in the error messages about unknown values in count and for_each arguments, thereby providing a more definitive workaround. (#2154)


Using as a base image

Using the image as a base image for custom images is deprecated and doesn't work as of OpenTofu 1.10. The reason behind this change is security: while we regularly update OpenTofu itself when security-relevant updates arise, providing a base image would require an update roughly once a week, which we are currently not equipped to do.

However, we have added instructions on building your own base image in the containerized installation instructions.


  • Fixed an issue where an invalid provider name in the provider_meta block would crash OpenTofu rather than report an error (#2347)
  • pg backend doesn't fail on workspace creation for parallel runs, when the database is shared across multiple projects. (#2411)