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What's new in OpenTofu 1.8?

This page will run you through the most important changes in OpenTofu 1.8:

Early variable/locals evaluation

This feature lets you use variables and locals for backends, module sources and encryption configuration as long as they are not dependent on resources, data sources or module outputs. This works even if a local is referencing a variable, for example. This is only the first in a series of improvements that will make the .tf code more flexible with more improvements coming in future releases.

The tofu init command will now consume your .tfvars file and let you specify variables using the -var and -var-file options. Please note that this alpha release will not prompt you for missing variables, which is a feature we will add later. Note, that tofu init will fail if it is missing variables needed for static evaluation.

For example, if you wanted to use the same configuration for your S3 backend and your AWS provider, you can now do this:

Code Block
variable "aws_region" {
default = "us-east-1"

terraform {
backend "s3" {
region = var.aws_region

provider "aws" {
region = var.aws_region

You can also use this to manage module versions with both registry references and git URLs.

Code Block
locals {
aws_module_version = "5.6.1"

module "webserver" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/ec2-instance/aws"
version = local.aws_module_version

// Other ec2_instance options

module "db" {
source = "${local.aws_module_version}"

// Other ec2_instance options

Finally, here's how you can set up encryption with a passphrase using a variable:

Code Block
variable "passphrase" {
type = string

terraform {
encryption {
key_provider "pbkdf2" "my_passphrase" {
passphrase = var.passphrase

method "aes_gcm" "my_method" {
keys = key_provider.pbkdf2.my_passphrase

state {
method = method.aes_gcm.my_method

Provider mocking in tofu test

Building on the existing ability to override specific data sources, resources, and module calls, tofu test now supports mocking entire provider definitions. This new feature allows you to automatically generate mock values for resources and data sources on a per-provider basis. As an example, consider the following code that spins up an m6i.2xlarge instance on AWS:

Code Block
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"

data "aws_ami" "ubuntu" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-24.04-amd64-server-*"]
owners = ["099720109477"]

resource "aws_instance" "web" {
ami =
instance_type = "m6i.2xlarge"

Instead of querying the AMI ID and spinning up the instance, we can write test code as follows:

Code Block
// This block will prevent OpenTofu from configuring aws provider.
// All provider's resources and data sources will be mocked.
mock_provider "aws" {
mock_data "aws_ami" {
defaults = {
id = "ami-12345"

run "test" {
assert {
condition = aws_instance.web.ami == "ami-12345"
error_message = "Incorrect AMI ID passed to aws_instance.web: ${aws_instance.web.ami}"

While this will not fully test the entire provisioning, it will highlight errors that may be caused by incorrectly connecting resources together without the need for an actual AWS account.

Resource overrides in tofu test

You can now override resources, data sources and entire modules from your tests, allowing you to create similar behavior to mocks in traditional software testing. As an example, consider the following code that spins up an m6i.2xlarge instance on AWS:

Code Block
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"

data "aws_ami" "ubuntu" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-24.04-amd64-server-*"]
owners = ["099720109477"]

resource "aws_instance" "web" {
ami =
instance_type = "m6i.2xlarge"

Instead of querying the AMI ID and spinning up the instance, we can write test code as follows:

Code Block
provider "aws" {
access_key = "foo"
secret_key = "bar"

skip_credentials_validation = true
skip_region_validation = true
skip_metadata_api_check = true
skip_requesting_account_id = true

# This block disables refreshing the aws_ami.ubuntu data source
# and lets you manually specify the values:
override_data {
target = data.aws_ami.ubuntu
values = {
id = "ami-12345"

run "test" {
# This block disables provisioning the aws_instance.web resource:
override_resource {
target = aws_instance.web
values = {
# You can add values here.

assert {
condition = aws_instance.web.ami == "ami-12345"
error_message = "Incorrect AMI ID passed to aws_instance.web: ${aws_instance.web.ami}"

While this will not fully test the entire provisioning, it will highlight errors that may be caused by incorrectly connecting resources together without the need for an actual AWS account. Similarly, you can use override_module to override an entire module.

Override files for OpenTofu: keeping compatibility

Since we are now adding features to OpenTofu that are not present in Terraform, we want to give module authors the ability to write code for both OpenTofu and Terraform without needing to maintain two copies of their modules. You can now create files named .tofu that are exclusive to OpenTofu. If you create a file named foo.tofu, OpenTofu will ignore the similarly-named file. You can use this functionality to put your Terraform-specific code in the .tf file and then override it for OpenTofu in the .tofu file.

The following replacement files are available:

  • foo.tffoo.tofu
  • foo.tftest.hclfoo.tofutest.hcl
  • foo.tftest.jsonfoo.tofutest.json
  • foo_override.tffoo_override.tofu

You can still use the .tf extension for all your code, this functionality is intended for module authors who want to provide compatible code for both OpenTofu and Terraform while using new OpenTofu features.

Bugfixes, improvements, deprecations

Deprecation: use_legacy_workflow has been removed from the S3 backend

The use_legacy_workflow option has now been removed from the S3 backend configuration.

Smaller improvements

  • The machine-readable UI documentation now contains the tofu test -json types.
  • tofu plan now generates jsonencode() when using generate-config-out.
  • The state persistence interval is now configurable with the TF_STATE_PERSIST_INTERVAL environment variable.
  • Improved performance when writing state files and reducing state file size using compact JSON encoding.
  • You can now reference variables inside the variables block of a test file.
  • Provider functions are now included in the tofu providers schema command.


  • Fixed validation for enforced flag in encryption configuration. (#1711)
  • Fixed crash in gcs backend when using certain commands. (#1618)
  • Fixed inmem backend crash due to missing struct field. (#1619)
  • Added a check in the tofu test to validate that the names of test run blocks do not contain spaces. (#1489)
  • tofu test now supports accessing module outputs when the module has no resources. (#1409)
  • Fixed support for provider functions in tests (#1603)
  • Only hide sensitive attributes in plan detail when plan on a set of resources (#1313)
  • Added a better error message on for_each block with sensitive value of unsuitable type. (#1485)
  • Fix race condition on locking in gcs backend (#1342)
  • Fix bug where provider functions were unusable in variables and outputs (#1689)
  • Fix bug where lower-case http_proxy/https_proxy env variables were no longer supported in the S3 backend (#1594)
  • Fixed issue with migration between versions can cause an update in-place for resources when no changes are needed. (#1640)
  • Add source context for the 'insufficient feature blocks' error (#1777)
  • Remove encryption diags from autocomplete (#1793)
  • Ensure that using a sensitive path for templatefile that it doesn't panic(#1801)